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The location of the project at Beit Romano in Tel Aviv, and it is part of Beit Romano.

It is a project of designing a space library based on a specific book I personally read called "Between Two Mountains"

The book tells about Israeli women married to minority men and moved to live with them in the villages. The culture of these men is very different from that of Israeli women - the primitive culture. In the male villages, women were not allowed to communicate with anyone, even family members, to leave the house and even abused them.

The project is structured as wooden shelving modules in three types of sizes, and they simulate the village's deserts and sand in a fuzzy way. Like an old blurry picture that makes the story a memory.

In this library, the books in it are sefarim that teach about different cultures.

The space is divided into several areas of cultures and religions, and so in each region there are books related to the same subject, which allowed cultures to recognize different cultures and learn about them.

The goal in all this is based on the story - the project comes to prevent situations like the story from happening by cooled available on the same culture to learn about it and know exactly how they live.

There are sitting areas spread over the floors of the books

A story of a project

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